Friday, March 20, 2015
lets ship the big 11
31 of 554 in the big 11. I need it, I want it and I deserve it. Going to play it smart and aggressive. 2nd place is not an option. Come here score!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Tired but Grinding
Late grind this afternooon. Great weekend with my girls. Little tired but lets get it!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
$5 n2 $1000 in a day
Not going to even have a realistic goal foir today. Going to try and do something unrealistic and borderline supernatural. I want to turn five dollars into one thousand dollars by the end of the night. Want to record something you have never heard of. Well it 1005 Am, so lets get started.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Late night Grind
Grinding some 1.50 45man sngs tonight. Not sure for how much longer but were going to try and make it do what it do.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
$1.50 45 man sngs
2 final tables at the same time 1.50 45 man might be where the $ is at.... contact me here at Flight Team to get a piece of some optimal stategy/coaching
Back micro grinding .50 180 mans
Going to try and start from the bottom and grind my way up. Been working and spending time with the fam so havent been playing so much. Flight Team. Lets get it!
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Late Start to Grind
Late start to the grind because I slept in late with my girls today but Ill sleep in late with them and get a late start on the grind anyday. Appreciate all the grinders that liked the facebook status and big shoutout to my boy Vladimir NE72 for joing the site and on Twitter. Thx for all the inquires on micro stakes coaching too and for anyone else interested or have any questions, feel free to hit me up on FB,Twitter, leaving a msg or just email . Going to be grinding the 3 45 man turbo sngs, in an effort to become one of the the better playing players in those games and hopefully picking up some buisness from beginner players, who i feel very comfortable teaching fundamentals at beating thesse games respectably.
Couple pics of early grind to NE72 as I see him grinding in his last game that I see he is at a final table too. When I took this pic I was at 3 final tables simultaneously but went out of 2 of them in the money but prematurely. Anyways gool luck all and Lets get it.
Couple pics of early grind to NE72 as I see him grinding in his last game that I see he is at a final table too. When I took this pic I was at 3 final tables simultaneously but went out of 2 of them in the money but prematurely. Anyways gool luck all and Lets get it.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
RIse and Grind
Thank you Lord for blessing me up another day in my right mind and I know everyday I wake up I have already won. I am child of the the King and will fear nothing. Im thankful for your forgiveness and mercy over my life God. Im so thankful for my three beautiful healthy girls. Lord I ask that you continue to lead me and guide me in life as you always have and continue to bless me,even though Im so underserving. Thank you Lord for being so forgiving, being all knowing, being an able and capable God, for being great God and for that I am so very thankful. Everybody follow me on Twitter at ReraiseAA, join this site and hit me up if you would like micro stakes coaching and also if you would like to stake me in my games. I have
127,787 games played,
$0.87 made per game played,
$8.86 is the average stake I play,
over 100,000 made over my poker career
I know there are definately a few decent players out there but you would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated, talented, experienced pokerstars grinder and also a honest man of God to invest your money in and expect a return of investment in the money invested in me. Ty Team Moshman, Pocarr and Ashley Brown for investing in me in the past.
Im going to play out some big tournaments, that pay out very well later Today and to anyone interested in staking me in any tournament, holla at me. Everybody have a blessed day.
REAISEAA is me Marvin Heaggans Jr to all who didnt know.
127,787 games played,
$0.87 made per game played,
$8.86 is the average stake I play,
over 100,000 made over my poker career
I know there are definately a few decent players out there but you would be hard pressed to find a more dedicated, talented, experienced pokerstars grinder and also a honest man of God to invest your money in and expect a return of investment in the money invested in me. Ty Team Moshman, Pocarr and Ashley Brown for investing in me in the past.
Im going to play out some big tournaments, that pay out very well later Today and to anyone interested in staking me in any tournament, holla at me. Everybody have a blessed day.
REAISEAA is me Marvin Heaggans Jr to all who didnt know.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Grind Time
Yo just got off work and about to put in a session of doing what I like to do. Meek Milly on the Pandora, so lets get it! Everybody looking for micro stakes to low stakes online poker coaching, Grinders looking to get on the Flight Team or want to invest in me playing my games, just holler at me on my blog, which can be searched on Google as just ReraisaeAA Blog , follow me on Twitter(ReraiseAA), Facebook or email me at Peace out!
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Last chance to kill it before work 2mar
Going to keep grinding the 45 man until I get some kind of win and then might play a couple mtts. Gl 2 ya boy. Anybody wanting any micro or low stakes poker coaching or wanting to invest in staking me in my games, hit me up on here or twitter @reraiseAA or email me @
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Its Now or Never
Rough 1st half of the day for the $5-$500 challenge... Time to push it all in! Going to need a little luck along with being blessed will be a blessing... Time to put in work!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Time's Moving Quick
Wow hard to imagine this years is nearly gone and we're already 10 days into December. Boy where has the time went. Still not giving up on December being a big month. Not starting as planned but have had a few opportunities to really change up things but need things to go better for me latter in the tourney or pickup more chips and go to final tables with a little more ammunition so I can try and be the putting pressure on every1 else....rather than thinking of laddering up pay spots. Im sure it'll get better as I become more familiar deep stack play. Dont get many opportunities to play with multiple million chip stacks, even tho it's fairly the same besides the payouts on the better mtts. Had a fairly deep run in the Saturday Splash and another decent mtt but cantremeber which 1 but didnt pay out nearly as much but gotta couple more pics from the few days missed. Gl 2 every1 on the grind and peace!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sup folk.... !st off Id like to thank god for blessing me 2nd after i chopped the 3r 20k gtd for like $2700 a couple days ago. Still looking for more good things while grinding out the last of this month and also god willing, hoping for continued success during the month of December. Put a few pics up from last couple
days. All low stakes grinders looking for any coaching hit up the email Gl to all grinders and Peace!
days. All low stakes grinders looking for any coaching hit up the email Gl to all grinders and Peace!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Variance aint to be slept on but still aint gone stop me from having a great end of the year. Several good deep runs on just a few played tourneys yesterday including another deep run in the $1r 60k gtd. Good sign with the deep runs imo but just gotta finish strong and get in some more volume. Gl 2 every1 on the grind, also going to add couple pics from yesterday's session
Monday, November 18, 2013
All mtts maybe
Still grinding fairly hard and remaining positive about the future. Think Im about to put up my best numbers of the year, at the end of the year. Rough session 2day. No pics but went deep in $16 turbo 25k gtd 8k up top. Several opportunities everyday but cant quite capitalize like I would like. Think Im going to play more mtts in upcoming future. gl every1 peace!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Wha sup folk! Got srt8 killed yesterday. Lost $800, with a few chances at some real big hits including a semi deep run in the $1r $60k gtd. 16,400 runners if I'm not mistaken with a 1st place prize of a bit over $13,000. Pretty sure I finished up like 22nd place, getting put out against some fish raise calling a9os for like 14bbs mp and getting there against my 3b shove with jj, having him covered. God willing I'll smack pokerstars in mouth for about a 5k score! Gl erbody and willl add few pics from yesterday. Soon 2 b on the Grizzay.Peace!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Back At It: Sup to everyone taking the time to follow me on the grind. Going to get back in the habit of writting on here on the daily and God willing,...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Back At It
Sup to everyone taking the time to follow me on the grind. Going to get back in the habit of writting on here on the daily and God willing, start telling you guys about some succesfull grinding sessions. Gl 2 everybody at the tables and I'll let you know how 2mars session goes. Peace!
Monday, April 29, 2013
decent day
Think I played around 60 games or so Today with $999 profit. Also added a pic from earlier, while I was playing. Had some stacks in big 22 and $22 12.5k gtd mtt but couldnt ft those but did get 2nd place in I think the $27.50 360 cap mtt tournament.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Lil less than stellar Sunday. It seems like it's been 4eva since I've really smashed a Sunday for a nice profit but anyways I'm jsut going to keep grinding hard, trying to make the best play because I know it's comming and when it does ew wee! Yesterday I lost $116 and today I lost $43. At one point I was down almost 1k but made most of that back playing zoom poker. Also played the Red Spade Open and made the money. Wanted to rack up a couple bounties off the pros but lucky for them, they were not seated at any of my tables :). Between Yesterday and Today played 412 games. So got in decent volume over the past couple days. Well ight folks
Friday, April 26, 2013
Short session
Played 40 games with $420 profit today. Probably studied hand histories for aout 30-45 mins (1 tourney to be exact). Didn't see but a few errors but def. room for improvement. Im sure even if i gave that 30 mins a few times a week, it would make a pretty decent difference. Gotta get better at improving my game away from the table. So easy to crank it up and just play. Gl all and
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Up a lil
$319 profit only played 40 tourneys today... lowered my games 2day to 2 try and play better poker but Im sure I can play more than I did today without it hurting me 2 bad. So ill add a few more back 2morrow. Back on the grind 2mar
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Put a dent in it
Put a little dent in that bad day I had yesterday with $465 profit today. Between yesterday and today played 253 games. Well back on the grind tomorrow.
Lost $1,000 even yesterday. Love having the opportunity to win some of that money back this afternoon. Its about 3pm and Im about to start grinding now. Probably going to play all sngs today and just grind it out!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Wow wasnt even going to play today but decided to hop on and played 59 games. About half 180 man sngs and the other half small to mid stakes mtts. I chopped an $8 turbo mtt 4 ways at the final table for a lil over 1k and also went out 13th in the big in a huge race with a lil bit more than 30 bbs,,, maybe could have folded to the 4b but felt like my queens were to strong to fold even with payjumps and ft bubble comming up. Anyways $1321 profit in todays session.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wha sup folks. $2319 profit in todays session, with $800 coming from playing zoom poker. Think I will try the $20k profit in 60 days. Probably damn near impossible but at the very least it'll be a push to get in more volume. Gotta few screen shots from the tournament i cashed 4th in earlier for like 1.7k and myself with a $1000 stack playing 1/2 zoom starting with starting $200 stack. Running good as of lately. Talk more 2morrow about challenge.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Back On My Grind!
Yesterday grinded and earned $906 profit, playing mainly 2.50, 3.50r, 8 and 15 180man sngs.
Today played 166 games for $1628.50 profit. Did so well my first 2 days back on the 180s after building my roll up from not much at all ...grinding hard in the paint ever since. Hope the sucess stays for a while, I know my luck can change but looking forward to making adjustments to my game and grinding out a new challenge for myself. Lol 1 of my friends said its impossible but I think it might be able to be done.
20k in 60 days!!! possible???
Going to give it 1 more day to see how things go and ill decide 2morrow night.
Today played 166 games for $1628.50 profit. Did so well my first 2 days back on the 180s after building my roll up from not much at all ...grinding hard in the paint ever since. Hope the sucess stays for a while, I know my luck can change but looking forward to making adjustments to my game and grinding out a new challenge for myself. Lol 1 of my friends said its impossible but I think it might be able to be done.
20k in 60 days!!! possible???
Going to give it 1 more day to see how things go and ill decide 2morrow night.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Crank it up
Yoo,,,,What's going on out there grinders. Going to knock some dust off this old blog and get it back started and maybe this time, make it past day 5. Hard when you start getting kilt but I think it's good for trying to stay on pace for goals that I set, with a little added motivation. Well anyways I'm back in Canada and roll is short atm so grinding $3.50 45 man turbo sngs. Sprinkling a few $ 7 45 mans too. Will have some goals and random things realated to the grind also. For my session stats I"m just using Hems tourney results info tab. Today I played 101 $3.50 45 man turbo sngs and 93 $7.50 45 man tubo sngs, with a total profit of $329.14. Gl at the tables...... peace!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Day 7 on thr GRIZZAY
Building a little momentum with another profitable day.
196 games $511 profit 2941 fpps 844vpps...9600 vpps o the year so far
shout out to jmc8609 taking down tcoop event 7 $22r for over 75k!! BINK!gg brah!
gl muh fulks! : p
196 games $511 profit 2941 fpps 844vpps...9600 vpps o the year so far
shout out to jmc8609 taking down tcoop event 7 $22r for over 75k!! BINK!gg brah!
gl muh fulks! : p
Thursday, January 19, 2012
day 5 and 6
Day 5 wasn't hitting on alot. Losing $198.
Afterwards going to chill with Allprowi and jnut5 with gregcalls. Good Time!
But on Day 6 my nizzle +$355 After taking a beating for most of the day, shut down with 2 wins in 15 180 again to save the day and making a lil profit as well. somtimes these days are nicer than your huge days because you notice how fast you can actually $, doing what you like!!!
GL everyone in TCOOP EVENTS!
Afterwards going to chill with Allprowi and jnut5 with gregcalls. Good Time!
But on Day 6 my nizzle +$355 After taking a beating for most of the day, shut down with 2 wins in 15 180 again to save the day and making a lil profit as well. somtimes these days are nicer than your huge days because you notice how fast you can actually $, doing what you like!!!
GL everyone in TCOOP EVENTS!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 4 on the grizzle my Nizzle
Wha sup goons! Day 4 was by no stretch any better than day 3. Feel like I made the proper plays and was fully focused but things didnt go quite my way. Just gotta grind thru dat shit(yall boys know what im talking about) besides rabbito! BEAST! nUMBERS FOR TODAY R!
-307 PROFIT 2072 fpps 635vpps
Gotta get ready for grind 2mar and go check out allprowi and jnut5 with gregcalls.
gl at the tables!
-307 PROFIT 2072 fpps 635vpps
Gotta get ready for grind 2mar and go check out allprowi and jnut5 with gregcalls.
gl at the tables!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 3 grind
166 games -434 profit +2756fpps 787 vpps
didnt run too great 2day (ev adjusted 54k)(winnings-155k) thats how i heard you can get a good general idea of how you ran 4 the day.....If im wrong someone plz correct me in the comment section!
Talked to quite a few of you about blog. Pretty good feedback. Few said you were going to follow 2...need to get on follower tab: ) !!!
recent scores: rabbito got 2nd in 22cubed for 6k and was on another ft in 109r 6max raking in a pot with AA as I wirte this..... O man and now 77 in a huge pot just 2 hands after!( :P GL........) 1st place paying out 8k
wha a life!
GL grindERZ dont 4get to follow and become member! !!
didnt run too great 2day (ev adjusted 54k)(winnings-155k) thats how i heard you can get a good general idea of how you ran 4 the day.....If im wrong someone plz correct me in the comment section!
Talked to quite a few of you about blog. Pretty good feedback. Few said you were going to follow 2...need to get on follower tab: ) !!!
recent scores: rabbito got 2nd in 22cubed for 6k and was on another ft in 109r 6max raking in a pot with AA as I wirte this..... O man and now 77 in a huge pot just 2 hands after!( :P GL........) 1st place paying out 8k
wha a life!
GL grindERZ dont 4get to follow and become member! !!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
After getting down over a $1,000 RUNNING LIKE DOG SHIT! Almost getting to the point of wanting to grind $2 tournies BOOM! 2 Wins in 15 180s and 1 in a 3.50r 180 and I'm straight killin it! Reraise A Ace in it ! YEA! All the hard work studying hhs and time in team viewer sessions with coach, comming in the clutch!
+$805 profit /2663 fpps /761 vpps
92 $15 180&45 man tournies 22 $8 180men tournies and 33 $3.50rebuy 180man tournies.
Few buddies of mine have had some impressive days aswell as follows:
Whiterabbito chopping it up heads up in $100 rebuy for over $47k siko!!
Chilin_dude with 13th place in sunday warm-up for $3,303! Major sunday tourney btw!
My homeboy spel91 also got a note worthy 19th in $50rebuy tournament too! Kids a beast!
Shout out to 180 grinders gregcalls,bfizz11, allprowi, jnut5, IGTizzle (i grind this), BettingLife, Elevil,i_hate_rivers,MINGREY,eetee,chavrov,cacaw,martin_malin,ufgators,modzilla,random clown,
quadvsquadme, john dayton, TripsOnly,4toed statue,bubbleoutcas,dontbluffmyj,Laois hammer,JMC,FriedLIVER,johanfbomb,maddogferg,mr n 42,ph1shman420,paffchen,poompelli,souly,
and rsiat! FoLlOw!
later every1!
+$805 profit /2663 fpps /761 vpps
92 $15 180&45 man tournies 22 $8 180men tournies and 33 $3.50rebuy 180man tournies.
Few buddies of mine have had some impressive days aswell as follows:
Whiterabbito chopping it up heads up in $100 rebuy for over $47k siko!!
Chilin_dude with 13th place in sunday warm-up for $3,303! Major sunday tourney btw!
My homeboy spel91 also got a note worthy 19th in $50rebuy tournament too! Kids a beast!
Shout out to 180 grinders gregcalls,bfizz11, allprowi, jnut5, IGTizzle (i grind this), BettingLife, Elevil,i_hate_rivers,MINGREY,eetee,chavrov,cacaw,martin_malin,ufgators,modzilla,random clown,
quadvsquadme, john dayton, TripsOnly,4toed statue,bubbleoutcas,dontbluffmyj,Laois hammer,JMC,FriedLIVER,johanfbomb,maddogferg,mr n 42,ph1shman420,paffchen,poompelli,souly,
and rsiat! FoLlOw!
later every1!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
session end
14 3.50rebuys, 7 8-180s, 38 15-180 &45 man sngs better at 15 180 and 45 man count next time.
59 tournies in a short session 2day.
-$433 +1088fpps +310vpps
2mar will be better! :p
59 tournies in a short session 2day.
-$433 +1088fpps +310vpps
2mar will be better! :p
The Beginning!
Hello everyone my name is (RERAISEAA) Marvin Heaggans. I'm a professional poker player on Pokerstars. I play usually 3.50 rebuy, 8 and 15 180 man tournaments. I have been playing poker for 3 years (year and a half professionally). I have had a decent career as a online poker. Here are my largest mtt scores to date.
Although I'm still transitioning to the game post BF. I would like to list a few goals of this year. Poker and Life goals. I'm sure I'll be updating this section of my post, as far as life goals 4sure.
POKERWISE I'd like to play 45k games. Earn 45k profit without bonuses
follow me!
03/29/2011 | Mar 28 14:30 $3.30+R NL Hold'em [$60K Guaranteed] Completed (Rebuys) | $3.00+$0.30 | 4/7049 | $8,027.03 |
01/23/2011 | Jan 23 15:00 $5.50 NL Hold'em [Turbo, $20K Guaranteed] Completed | $5.00+$0.50 | 2/8231 | $4,527.05 |
12/21/2010 | Dec 20 16:45 $5.50 NL Hold'em [2R1A, $25K Guaranteed] Completed (Rebuys) | $5.00+$0.50 | 2/2567 | $4,020.54 |
02/13/2011 | Feb 12 21:00 $22+R NL Hold'em [$20K Guaranteed] Completed (Rebuys) | $20.00+$2.00 | 2/295 | $3,000.00 |
01/05/2011 | Jan 4 18:00 $5.50+R NL Hold'em [$50K Guaranteed] Completed (Rebuys) | $5.00+$0.50 | 4/3457 | $2,882.75 |
Although I'm still transitioning to the game post BF. I would like to list a few goals of this year. Poker and Life goals. I'm sure I'll be updating this section of my post, as far as life goals 4sure.
POKERWISE I'd like to play 45k games. Earn 45k profit without bonuses
follow me!
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